Sept 2024 |
Van der Wijk, V.: Design of balanced mechanisms, NVON Terugkoppeling 2024 • nummer 3 (in Dutch) |
14-06-2024 |
De Bruijn, A.: Interview: Volkert van der Wijk, University lecturer exchanged academic position for a life as a full-time artist, TU Delft university newspaper Delta |
05-06-2024 |
De Bruijn, A.: Volkert van der Wijk, Kinetic sculptures, magazine Delft Matters (in Dutch) |
01-02-2023 |
The Car-swing & looping in the Jeugdjournaal (Dutch TV) |
31-01-2023 |
Doggen, M.: Car makes a looping, University of the Netherlands (in Dutch) |
04/05 2020 |
Van Eerden, H.: Freer in my thinking, extensive interview in Dutch technology magazine Constructeur (in Dutch) |
18-09-2018 |
Van der Wijk, V.: The Taaie Tiller, development and techniques of a kinetic sculpture, in Constructeur 8-9 (in Dutch) |
09-05-2017 |
Pama G.: The Sisyphusmachine of Henk Hofland is finally finished, NRC Handelsblad (in Dutch) |
21-04-2017 |
The Taaie Tiller back in the water, in the UT News, newspaper of the Univerity of Twente (in Dutch) |
01-10-2015 |
How are things going with the Taaie Tiller?, in the UT News, newspaper of the Univerity of Twente (in Dutch) |
17-02-2015 |
Kinetic artwork will come at the campus, Taaie Tiller in the UT News, newspaper of the Univerity of Twente (in Dutch) |
16-12-2011 |
Van der Wijk, V.: Taaie Tiller. De Ingenieur, Vol. 123, number 20-21 (in Dutch) |
Oktober 2011 |
The Taaie Tiller in Dutch technology magazine Bouwen met Staal 223 (Building with Steel 223, in Dutch) |
Mei 2011 |
Van der Wijk, V.: Design of balanced movable structures, Constructeur, Vol. 50, number 5, pg. 28-32 (in Dutch) |
04-03-2009 |
Wassink, J.: In love with beautiful machines, Interview in TU Delft university newspaper Delta (in Dutch) |
04-03-2009 |
Wassink, J.: Kinetic Art, Radioportret of NTR programme Hoe?Zo? Radio on Radio 5 (in Dutch) |
Juli 2008 |
Volkswagen Magazine, photo of sculpture De Mazzelaar with a blue sky |
12-10-2007 |
De Technologiekrant newspaper, Taaie Tiller on frontcover and Streetbeast on page 8 |
01-04-2005 |
NRC Handelsblad newspaper, Meer Bewegen (by HJA Hofland) |
Dec 2004 |
Article ‘Zonder wiel geen fiets’ about the walking bicycle Straatbeest in ‘The Year 2004, Yearbook of the Telegraaf 2004’, pg. 66 |
08-05-2004 |
Hard trappen zonder wielen, article in the Telegraaf newspaper |
18-01-2003 |
Radio Rijnmond, interview in Boei-104 |
Mrt 2003 |
Netherlands Industrial Property Office annual report 2002 |
12-01-2003 |
Delft Op Zondag newpaper, article in Het papieren beeld |
2002-2003 |
Delft Integraal magazine, editions 2002-4, 2002-5, 2002-6, 2003-1, 2003-2, 2003-3, various pictures of sculptures |
17-10-2002 |
Panhuysen, J.: Koning van het schroot, Interview in TU Delft university newspaper Delta |
12-9-2002 |
Het raadsel van het spelen in TU Delft university newspaper Delta |
05-09-2002 |
Zombie en Opa Hofland in TU Delft university newspaper Delta |
Sept 2002 |
Hofland, HJA (Henk): Het voorgekookt bestaan, book with picture of sculpture ‘Keienplonzer’ on the cover |
Mrt 2002 |
NL-Net, News (Dutch TV) |
Mrt 2002 |
Tv-West, News (Dutch TV) |
28-03-2002 |
Ode aan zinloze techniek en onvoorspelbaarheid in TU Delft university newspaper Delta |